Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh, Wait just a second...

Okay, so I thought I did not have a story to tell... But, boy do I. This will probably go down as the biggest Christmas fail ever in life.

So, I finally got a cell phone. Now the majority of my friends had cell phones. I mean expectant mothers-to-be received cell phones at their baby showers for their future munchkins. So I was way way way behind in the technological world.

Finally, my mother decided that I deserved/needed a cell phone. I got it like a week before Christmas Day. Right when I got it, I stole Margo's phone and started to program all of my friends numbers into my phone. Now this took up to a solid 2-hour block of my day. Keep in mind, this was my first phone, so texting was really slow for me.

After I added all my desired numbers into my phone, I sent out a mass text to everyone telling them that this was my number, and I was locked and loaded, and ready to text. Well for that whole time I texted all my friends non-stop. I had caught the texting bug, and my poor, overworked thumbs started to gain muscle mass.

One of my friends that I texted quite a bit was my good friend Caitlin. Now she was the only one that ALWAYS answered me; however, our conversations were totally weird.
They went kinda like this:
[my text normal, Caitlin's bolded]
Hey friend! This is Sarah!(: I have a phone now!!
That is really fantastic Sarah! I'm so glad to talk to you!
Yeah, me too...
*Christmas Day*
Hey! Did you have a good Christmas?
Not especially...
Oh, was Santa not good to you?
No, but I have a feeling that you could make it better. ;D
You're acting weird... But maybe before school starts we can go see a movie!
That would be just grand! How about tonight, after my family's Christmas lunch?
(side note: I knew this was weird, because Caitlin would not want to go out on a holiday, she would want to spend it with her family.)
Well, I don't know... So I will call you later.

Okay, so I waited for about 4 hours, finally deciding it would be okay to call Caitlin. When I did an older gentleman answered. It sounded like it could of been Caitlin's dad. So when he said hello, I said "Hi, Caitlin's dadddd!"

The man on the other side was silent and didn't answer me, so I felt weird and I hung up. I just thought that Caitlin's dad may have not understood how to use a cell phone exactly so I just put it off.

Later that day I was looking at Margo's phone and just decided to look at her numbers. There were a lot of people who never texted me back, so I was just double checking to see if I had put in the right number. I just happen to go by Caitlin's number, and it did not match the one in my phone. I asked Margo if she knew she had Caitlin's wrong number, and she had said that Caitlin, herself, put the number in there.

So right then I figured out, that I WAS NOT TEXTING CAITLIN... I was one number off from her number. Actually, the whole week I had been texting a creepy old man.

Right after I figured this out, I called Caitlin (on her actual number) and told her what had happen. Caitlin told me she had kinda been hurt, because everyone was talking about how much I was texting them, and she never got one from me.

The man I was texting called me, and he left me a voicemail saying "Sarah, we really need to talk." Well, I never called him back, and he left a total of three voicemails. Finally, I sent him a text saying "Hey, I thought you were one of my friends, and clearly you aren't, so please stop calling me."

He never called or texted me after that, but I was slightly scared. I had told him about the high school I went to, what road I lived on, and what places I was going to during that week. Yeah, stupid me... I know.

MORAL: Never talk to your friends, they may be imposters...

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