Saturday, March 26, 2011

Warning: This story is a bit racier than what I usually write...

So, this is a tale that is everyone’s favorite to hear…

When I was a young lass in kindergarten I was a goody-two-shoes and a tattle-tell. I guess you could say, was a hyphenated word. Well when I was in Kindergarten I was under the impression that ’forehead’ was a curse word.

Now, I’m assuming, that I thought it was a naughty because the only time I would use it to say, “Margo* I’m going to hit you in the forehead.” Then my mom would scold me, but she never told me what I did wrong. So I put two and two together, and figured out that it must be forehead. (I’m guessing, you can tell how intelligent I was back then.)

So now I knew a real-life bad word, but if you remember from earlier, I was a goody-two-shoes, and I was never going to use it again. Now, I only said top of your head, or the part of your head that is under your bangs (since I was in Kindergarten, EVERYONE had bangs, even the boys.)

But also, if you recall, I was a tattle-tale. Now one day, poor Joe** said something about my forehead. I could not stand by and let this vulgar happens. So I took my chubby short legs and marched myself to Mrs. W*** and shouted at the top of my 5-years old lungs, “MRS. W, JOE SAID THE F-WORD!!”

Now Mrs. W’s reaction only fueled the flame of my opinion on that word. The way she reacted was what I hope she would. I went away from school that day with a sense of pride and accomplishment. And for that day, I wanted to become a cop, so I could find low-life cursers and throw them in the brink. That dream was short-lived when my momma**** informed me that I would have to deal with burglars, murders, drugs, and drunk people.

Now this is not the only instance where I got someone in trouble for using the ‘F-word’, I was a machine in Kindergarten and got almost everyone else in trouble. Pretty soon, Mrs. W figured something was up, and talked to me about it. She straightened me out and informed me that forehead, and the ‘F-word’, are two very different words. I had to apologize to everyone who had gotten a frowny face because of me telling on them. It was the lowest point of my day.

*This is my sister, I did not change her name. I did not feel the need of her being protected.
** The actual person’s name was changed to protect his identity, and to protect that I actually didn’t remember who he was.
***Her name was abbreviated for her protection… I’m so considerate.
****Now, I feel the need to add this… My mom is awesome! (:

MORAL: Kids, learn your cuss words ASAP, so you don’t look silly like I did!

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